Friday, October 09, 2015
Strasburg France
With the extra time on the last day we took the Munich -> Paris express train to Strasburg. The city was spectacular, with amazing little narrow streets and unique postcard shops.
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Tuesday, October 06, 2015
University of Stuttgart, Germany
I attended the “Simulating Soft and Active Matter with ESPResSo, ESPResSo++, and VOTCA” conference/workshop/developers meeting at the Institute for Computational Physics of the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Compiled supporting software libraries for both laptop and UH computation cluster. Those included: Boost, Cython, FFTW3, GSL, GROMAC, VOTCA, ESPRESSO, and ESPRESSO++. I also presented a poster developing: “Phosphorylation Mimicry in Espresso; Charge Gradients and Dynamics” at the conference.
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